This is the first post in a series on we went about optimizing a fully functional professional service platform solution using Ionic 2 (Angular 2) for our production mobile app.
As a result we hope you are able to get the same results (!/DW6Td/
Surprising eh? Here’s the story…
«It takes 8 seconds to load the first page (Tickets). That’s 8 lifetimes in the world of a mobile app! I am tired of the mobile app being slow and jerky.» Jon - CTO | Micajah ITS
«The performance is a little jerky on my iphone 6.» Mike - CIO | Opsec
Those are first impressions from users of SherpaDesk hybrid mobile app, when it was completely rewritten with Ionic 2.
First we needed to identify why users were getting so much latency in the app.
initial loading time was too slow
touch response was slow
server response was slow
So the overall performance of the app just wasn’t providing a good user experience which created a lot of frustrations for our customers.
Technically speaking, we need to tune up our app with those options:
Speed up the initial loading time:
optimize and minify javascript bundle size
minify and optimize css files
create loading page with lazy loading of bundle
Remove a touch response delay
reduce server requests to load templates
remove 300ms delay on touch response on lists and items
Improve the server response time:
enable web server caching and compression
enable client side caching
separate javascript bundle to vendor and user scripts.
READ PART TWO HERE: «Speed up the initial loading time»