By Patrick Clements, CEO
I believe that having a Professional Services Automation Solution is the secret sauce for small businesses, freelancers, and startups who use billable time as their main source of revenue.
Don’t believe me? Read on and find out why.
You've got that trendy industry meet-up this afternoon. It's a perfect venue for much-needed networking. You can't wait to meet the right people in your industry to pitch them your business, maybe snag a client or two, who knows? The possibilities are endless when you believe in yourself and in the startup you've launched, so all is good in the world, right?

Eh...Not Exactly
This is because there’s this little thing that might prevent you from attending the meetup today. You're way behind in your tasks and project management deadlines are coming up. Worse still, these tasks are getting in the way of closing new business (and preventing you from going to that industry meetup this evening).
We all want the freedom to create and deliver a personal touch with each customer. That's the reason you created your startup in the first place, right? After a lot of struggle, you're finally getting clients, even repeat clients! Nice problem to have. Sure, but only if you're able to effectively manage your team, time and customer service expectations. If you aren’t able to handle that then forget about selling, creating cool stuff, or dazzling your clients with your brilliant ideas.
If only you could create order out of this chaos so you can focus on what you do best and score some sales!
Do not despair. Don't think for a moment that you're alone. We were just like you at one time. Too stressed with tasks to do the fun parts of the job. That's why we founded Our goal was (and always will be) for you to be able to effectively manage your business in a Professional Services Automation software solution that is tailored to work like you work.
I'm a Very Small Company.
Only Big Corporations Need PSA Software!
What if I told you that our SherpaDesk PSA software plus your current accounting software (i.e. Quickbooks, Xero or Freshbooks, etc.) is all you’ll ever need to run all your startup's administrative and customer service tasks? Mind = blown, right?
We’ve designed SherpaDesk to be your one-stop cloud based helpdesk solution to keep you on top of your customer's needs, including support desk functionality, time tracking, invoicing, FAQ functionality, and even project management.
My goal when creating SherpaDesk was to enable you, the self-employed startup owner, to have access to the same tools used by big companies but with a very intuitive user experience that requires virtually no training for yourself or your clients, and at a much lower cost.
You’re A Startup Of One, You Can’t Afford
PSA Software You Say?
How does the cost of free sound to you? We’ve created SherpaDesk with you, the indie startup owner in mind, so SherpaDesk is always free for one user. Furthermore, we've designed every tool in our app for ease of use and to give your customers a professional UI/UX that reflects your brand’s professionalism. This gives your startup instant credibility, enabling faster growth and referral business. All for free. So, not too shabby.
Since our mission is to provide ease of use, at the lowest possible cost, we've also

made sure that our SherpaDesk free PSA software is compatible with your favorite small business accounting software like QuickBooks and Freshbooks. This enables you to generate invoices in SherpaDesk that can be pushed over to Quickbooks in just one step while providing constant cross-references between Quickbook’s or Freshbook’s invoices and the services generated in SherpaDesk.